Fundraiser to provide disaster relief after the Beirut Port explosion

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Alfanar Alfanar - $383,500

over 3 years ago
NGO name and registration number: Alfanar

Total amount allocated from Impact Lebanon (according to existing MOUs): USD 383,500

Total amount disbursed from allocated to date: USD 383,500 (100%)

Total amount spent from allocated to date: USD 383,500 (100%)

Status: Completed

Vertical(s) of operation: MSMB support

About the NGO
Alfanar (meaning “beacon” in Arabic) was established in 2004, as the first venture philanthropy organization in the Arab region, supporting the sustainability of social enterprises working in the areas of education, youth employment and women’s economic empowerment in vulnerable communities. This is achieved by providing tailored financing, training, management support and access to networks.

Project(s) funded
Impact Lebanon helped fund Alfanar’s projects to support impacted MSMBs:

• Reconstruction of 45 offices/shops of social enterprises and MSMBs
• As part of the Emergency Relief Program, Alfanar supported BEDCO to utilize the technical skills of its program participants in contributing to rebuilding Beirut by specifically supporting the reconstruction needs of the social enterprises and small businesses that were impacted by the blast. BEDCO is a social initiative that creates job opportunities for vulnerable youth.
• The reconstruction priorities are: 1) Social Enterprises, 2) MSMBs, specifically women-led, 3) Schools
• Deploying Crisis Survival Grants to 6 selected social enterprises
  • Alfanar provided 6 social enterprises with tailored financial support in the form of a grant for working capital relief and/or CAPEX  support to replace lost income, inventory, damaged equipment and furniture. These grants were provided to social enterprises        that were most affected by the August 4th explosion, ensuring that they can get back on their feet to sustain and scale their            business and impact over the long term.
• Provision of fresh funding to allow BEDCO to buy primary material while also employing around 110 marginalized youth who are mostly from Tripoli
  • The scale of reconstruction efforts Beirut faced was daunting. The lack of dollar liquidity available in the market due to the ongoing economic and banking sector crisis also made it difficult to buy primary materials (e.g. glass, wood, steel). Another crucial factor was the lack of available labour, as many of Beirut’s craftsmen were incapacitated by the national crisis. BEDCO has already trained and equipped youth that have the technical construction skills to support rebuilding efforts. Immediately after the blast, BEDCO swiftly pivoted its operations by deploying their trained youth with in-demand technical construction skills (electrical work, carpentry, concrete work, painting, sanding, plastering, aluminum and glazing) to Beirut to support the debris cleanup and reconstruction efforts.

The projects kicked off in November 2020 and were completed in June 2021.

• Number of businesses rehabilitated: 45 (completed)
• Number of youth employed: 110 (to date*)
• Number of jobs sustained: 249 (to date*)
• Number of social enterprises supported: 6 (to date*)

Future plans

Alfanar will continue its work of supporting social enterprises in the Arab region. To support Alfanar’s ongoing activities, consider donating here:

Al Ghina Al Ghina - $100,000

over 3 years ago
NGO name and registration number: Al Ghina [21/2001]

Total amount allocated from Impact Lebanon (according to existing MOUs): USD 100,000

Total amount disbursed from allocated to date: USD 100,000 (100%)

Total amount spent from allocated to date: USD 100,000 (100%)

Status: Completed

Vertical(s) of operation: Residential rehabilitation | MSMB support

About the NGO
Al Ghina was established in 2001 in Beirut with the main objective of providing support to orphans, widows, and those most vulnerable. Under the broad headline of family sponsorships, they intervene through financial, medical, educational, developmental, social, in-kind aids, and rehabilitation.

Project(s) funded
Impact Lebanon funded Al Ghina’s rehabilitation efforts which took place in two phases. The first phase of rehabilitation in October 2020 focused on residential units and SMEs affected by the blast with small to medium structural damage. The next phase in March/April 2021 focused on units with medium to heavy damages. The project was completed in April 2021.

Number of residential units rehabilitated: 54 completed
Number of commercial units rehabilitated: 8 completed

Future plans

Al Ghina has ongoing developmental projects throughout the year. Beneficiary families will continue to benefit from the family  sponsorship program on a monthly basis. A meat distribution campaign is taking place in July 2021 and the implementation of the winterization campaign around Lebanon will begin in September 2021, in collaboration with KSRelief. Al Ghina is also currently preparing to implement a relief project in the Tripoli area.

Phone: +96170697171
Al Majmoua Al Majmoua - $597,700

over 3 years ago
NGO name and registration number: The Lebanese Association for Development – Al Majmoua [100/AD]

Total amount allocated from Impact Lebanon (according to existing MOUs): USD 597,700

Total amount disbursed from allocated to date: USD 400,000 (~67%)

Total amount spent from allocated to date: USD 400,000 (~67%)

Status: Ongoing

Vertical(s) of operation: MSMB support | Livelihood support

About the NGO
The Lebanese Association for Development, Al Majmoua, the leading microfinance organization in Lebanon, was established in 1997 and has been steadily growing over the last twenty years. Al Majmoua currently has 45,000 active microcredit clients, and 300 employees spread over 28 branches. Al Majmoua’s core activity is the provision of financial services to low income individuals, especially women, from all nationalities all over Lebanon. Al Majmoua also provides non-financial services to both borrowers and non-borrowers, including financial literacy, technical skills training, job placement and apprenticeship, business development/entrepreneurship services, marketing, mentorship, networking, legal counselling support for business registration, personal development, and provision
of toolkit and equipment.

Project(s) funded
The purpose of the six-month project named Beirut blast economic recovery and funded by Impact Lebanon is twofold: (1) Alleviate the impact of the Beirut blast on 120 MSMBs in the affected areas; (2) Restore the local ecosystem by helping the MSMBs resume, sustain their activity and therefore contribute to the social cohesion.

This project targeted MSMBs owners: female/male, youth/non-youth, home-based/micro/small/medium businesses, in different areas. Key activities implemented include:

• Identification of MSMBs and selection of 156 of them.
• Cash transfer to the selected beneficiaries based on the needs assessment results’ analysis and the committee decision.
• Delivery of one session on Crisis management and COVID19 awareness to all the selected MSMBs.
• Distribution of PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) kit.
• Delivery of one to one coaching follow-up sessions post cash-distribution to the selected MSMBs to allow the field officer to check
on the spending progress.

At the end of the project, the 156 supported MSMBs will be able to stimulate local economic development. The project is projected to be
completed by September 2021.

Number of business rehabilitated: 156 businesses (to date) vs 120 (projected)
Number of businesses still operating at the end of the project: 156
Number of female beneficiaries supported: 45
Geographical distribution of businesses supported:
Geographical Areas MSMEs Number
Achrafieh 76
Bourj Hammoud 40
Msaitbeh 33
Dekwaneh 1
Nahr El Mott 1
New Rawda 1
Solidere 1
Tarik jdide 1
Wassat Beirut 2
Total 156

Future plans

Al Majmoua will continue to support the MSMEs all over Lebanon by providing financial and non-financial services and trainings (such as risk management, agility in times of crisis). Al Majmoua is currently looking for funding to offer blended finance products under the form of loan plus cash grant or interest subsidized loans as the MSMEs are facing hard times and are looking for credit at the lowest cost possible.

Current projects / about to start:
Beirut Blast Recovery Support:
• Impact Lebanon – Cash assistance for vulnerable families affected by the blast
• EU-MADAD: MSMEs support
• Fondation Ghazal – Support in IT devices for vulnerable families affected by the blast

MSMEs Economic crisis support: Impact Lebanon / Facebook MSME support program

Submitted proposals pending approval:
AFD/ Agriculture and related sector actors increase investments through tailored and inclusive financial services and products

Anti-Racism Movement Anti-Racism Movement - $100,000

over 3 years ago
NGO name and registration number: Anti-Racism Movement [2948520/2014]

Total amount allocated from Impact Lebanon (according to existing MOUs): USD 100,000

Total amount disbursed from allocated to date: USD 100,000 (100%)

Total amount spent from allocated to date: USD 100,000 (100%)

Status: Completed

Vertical(s) of operation: Livelihoods support

About the NGO
Anti-Racism Movement (ARM) was launched in 2010 as a grassroots collective by young Lebanese feminist activists in collaboration with migrant workers and migrant domestic workers. In 2012, ARM became a registered NGO with full and part-time staff in order to increase its capacity to carry out projects that fight racist discrimination and abuse in Lebanon.

Building on their philosophy that recognizes the importance of community-building work, ARM created the Migrant Community Centers (MCCs) which grew from one small center in 2011 in Beirut to several centers in three major cities by 2016. ARM has also been working on distributing food packages and hygiene kits to migrant and refugee families in the context of the pandemic since May 2020. They also have assisted in the repatriation of migrant workers impacted with the situation in Lebanon.

Project(s) funded
Impact Lebanon funded ARM’s project to support the livelihoods of affected migrants and migrant families based on a detailed needs evaluation. ARM distributed to identified beneficiaries monthly food kits along with hygiene and baby items (food & diapers) over a period of 4 months. The project kicked off on December 30, 2020 and wrapped up on April 30, 2021..

Total number of food kits distributed: 4700 (completed) vs 4000 (initial target target)
Total number of beneficiaries (benefitting from the food kits): 10,993 (actual)

Future plans

ARM is continuing to focus on its mission to support the migrant community in Lebanon and fight discrimination. Please consider donating to their ongoing relief efforts here:

Phone number: +9611788025
arcenciel arcenciel - $390,282

over 3 years ago
NGO name and registration number: Arc En Ciel [162/1985]

Total amount allocated from Impact Lebanon (according to existing MOUs): USD 390,282

Total amount disbursed from allocated to date: USD 374,282 (96%)

Total amount spent from allocated to date: USD 289,686 (74%)

Status: Ongoing

Vertical(s) of operation: Residential rehabilitation | Hospitals and medical bodies support

About the NGO
Arcenciel is an apolitical, non-confessional, and independent organization that works with and for all people in difficulty without discrimination of age, gender, religion, culture or nationality. Arcenciel broadened its mission to “engage in the sustainable development of the society by supporting fragile groups and integrating marginalized people”. Since its creation, arcenciel has provided around 37 million services to more than 400,000 beneficiaries. Arcenciel also treats 85% of Lebanon’s hospital waste and 915 tons of solid wastes a year; and manages the 2km2 Jesuit “Domaine de Taanayel” through which it promotes sustainable agriculture and responsible tourism through its eco-touristic activities.

Project(s) funded
Impact Lebanon helped fund Arcenciel’s relief efforts, which include:
• The rehabilitation of homes affected by the blast as well refurbishing damaged furniture
• Provision of necessary medical and health related services, including dispatching oxygen machines to relieve the impact of the
COVID-19 pandemic

The project kicked off in August 2020 and is expected to wrap up by October 2021.

• Number of residential units rehabilitated through construction and repairs: 47 (to date)
• Number of residential units rehabilitated through furniture refurbishment: 115 (to date)
• Number of oxygen machines dispatched: 104 (to date)
• Number of beneficiaries served with medical and health equipment: 370 (to date)

Future plans

Arcenciel has a clear aim to improve the living conditions of vulnerable people, including refugee populations and their host communities alike, based on the continuation of the activities arcenciel implement since its establishment. This specific operation was designed to support vulnerable populations affected by the blast. A year since the blast, the needs have changed but the economic crisis has only gotten worse. With the Lira vs dollar rate sky rocketing, basic needs such as chronic medicine, milk for infants, fuel for transportation, electricity for life sustaining machines have become a luxury.

Arcenciel is working closely with locals, donors, national and international institutions, NGOs, as well as UN agencies to be able to answer the deteriorating crisis of Lebanon.

To support their ongoing activities, consider donating here:


Basmeh & Zeitooneh Basmeh & Zeitooneh - $499,500

over 3 years ago
NGO name and registration number: Basmeh and Zeitooneh [145/2014]

Total amount allocated from Impact Lebanon (according to existing MOUs): USD 499,500

Total amount disbursed from allocated to date: USD 499,500 (100%)

Total amount spent from allocated to date: USD 499,500 (100%)

Status: Completed

Vertical(s) of operation: Residential rehabilitation | MSMB support | Livelihood support

About the NGO
Basmeh and Zeitooneh (B&Z) is a grassroots, refugee-led organization. B&Z was established in 2014 to empower individuals through working amongst the most vulnerable and marginalized groups to fill the gaps in development assistance, and respond to the most urgent relief and developmental needs to contribute to the advancement of society.

Project(s) funded
Impact Lebanon helped fund B&Z’s emergency response to the Beirut explosion. The project was designed to tackle the immediate effects of the Beirut blast on one hand, as well as the long-term  effects of the economic crisis, through a holistic approach which includes rehabilitation of houses and MSMBs and the provision of livelihood cash assistance and psychosocial support in the areas most affected by the Beirut blast. The project kicked off in September 2020 and was completed in June 2021.

• Number of residential units rehabilitated: 57 (completed)
• % of households who reported that the rehabilitation improved their living conditions and level of safety due to the beneficial,
needs based rehabilitation: 96%
• Number of commercial units rehabilitated: 37 (completed)
• Number of MSMBs receiving in-kind grants to replace damaged assets and inventory: 37 (completed)
• Number of households that received emergency cash assistance: 203 (completed)
• Number of children that received psychosocial support services: 203 (completed)
• Number of caregivers that received psychosocial support services: 100 (completed)

Future plans

B&Z has set a plan for a multi-component intervention to support 28,500 refugees and host community households in addition to 1,100 MSMBs affected by the life-threatening, socio-economic crises in Lebanon through the distribution of basic and recovery assistance, in Beirut, Mount Lebanon, North Lebanon, Bekaa and South Lebanon over the period of 10 months.

(Abdullah Bayrakdar)
Baytna Baytak Baytna Baytak - $181,600

over 3 years ago
NGO name and registration number: Baytna Baytak [8491/4]

Total amount allocated from Impact Lebanon (according to existing MOUs): USD 181,600*

Total amount disbursed from allocated to date: USD 154,700 (~85%)

Total amount spent from allocated to date: TBC (new project)

Status: Ongoing

Vertical(s) of operation: Residential rehabilitation | MSMB support

About the NGO
Baytna Baytak started as a civil initiative launched by a dynamic and forward thinking community of activists to help secure housing for healthcare professionals working at the forefront of the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic regardless of their religion, sect, gender or nation of origin. Baytan Baytak’s goal is to better serve the community, creating a safe haven, a place where people, no matter their background or circumstances, co-exist together harmoniously, sheltered under solid roofs.

Project(s) funded
Impact Lebanon is funding three rehabilitation projects conducted by Baytna Baytak:
• The rehabilitation of the external structure of 11 buildings located in Al Khodr Street (Mar Mkhael - Beirut) benefitting residents and small shops. The project started on 15 June 2021 and is projected to end 30 July 2021.
• The rehabilitation of 58 residential units and SMEs affected by the blast in several areas of Beirut, specifically focusing on highly vulnerable individuals with poor living conditions. The project started on 15 June 2021 and is projected to end 30 July 2021.
• The rehabilitation of the external structure of buildings located in Khandak el Ghamik. The project started in July 2021 and is projected
to end on 30 August 2021*.

• Number of residential units rehabilitated: 24 (to date**), 103 (projected)
• Number of commercial units rehabilitated: 6 (to date**) vs 26 (projected)
• Number of building facades rehabilitated: 20 (incl 3 heritage) (projected)

Future plans

Livelihood and urban development projects: (in Zahle, Tripoli and Khodr street):

Baytna Baytak is launching sustainable projects in selected locations - covering physical, economic, social and environmental aspects. Selected streets in different areas in Lebanon will undergo rehabilitation of facades, residential houses and small businesses.
Those projects aim to revitalize areas, bringing back heritage, creating new hubs, job opportunities and adding green spaces.

• Community Center :
By Repurposing a building that was damaged by The Beirut Blast to create a pilot community center. The project aims to involve the Lebanese youth and would allow them to increase their technical know-how, and to create job opportunities for various individuals who can work at the center and build a positive environment that will impact the psychological, emotional and mental wellbeing of participants. This model can be easily recreated nationwide in remote areas outside of Beirut, if the pilot is successful.

To support Baytna Baytak’s future plans, consider donating here:

Phone: +961 79 13 95 37

(*): A USD 95,000 top up was approved and signed with Baytna Baytak in July. This sum is not included in the allocation
amount for consistency purposes as all figures were updated on Jun 30 2021.
(**) To be validated by Impact Lebanon’s M&E team.
Beb W' Shebbek (In Partnership With Unite Lebanon Youth Project) Beb W' Shebbek (In Partnership With Unite Lebanon Youth Project) - $500,000

over 3 years ago
NGO name and registration number: Beb w Shebbek in partnership with Unite Lebanon Youth Project [134/2010]

Total amount allocated from Impact Lebanon (according to existing MOUs): USD 500,000

Total amount disbursed from allocated to date: USD 500,000 (100%)

Total amount spent from allocated to date: USD 467,783 (~94%)

Status: Ongoing

Vertical(s) of operation: Residential rehabilitation

About the NGO
Unite Lebanon Youth Project (ULYP) is a non-profit organization established in 2010, that creates educational opportunities and gives equal access to quality education programs to children, youth, and women in marginalized communities. Beb w’ Shebbek is an initiative, taken under ULYP’s wing, that was born in the aftermath of the Beirut August 4 explosion. Beb w Shebbek’s mission is to restore the doors and windows of the families affected by the explosion.

Project(s) funded
Impact Lebanon has funded Beb w Shebbek’s effort to restore the doors and windows of homes affected by the explosion. Those of which include, 78 projects in Achrafieh, 5 in Bourj Abi Haidar, 44 in Bourj Hammoud, 10 in Dora, 2 in the Downtown area, 4 in Furn El Chebbak, 28 in Geitaoui, 25 in Gemmayzeh, 12 in Hamra, 1 in Karantina, 29 in Khandak Al Ghamik, 4 in Mar Elias, 28 in Mar Mikhael, 4 in Ras El Nabaa, 61 in Rmeil, 6 in Saifi, 1 in Salim Sleim, 12 in Sin El Fil, 1 in Sioufi, 1 in Verdun and 7 in Zoukak El Blat.

• Number of (non-heritage) residential units rehabilitated: 176 (to date)
• Number of heritage / traditional units rehabilitated: 142 (to date)

Future plans

As of January 2021, Beb w Shebbek’s mandate expanded to include schools and playgrounds as we believe that a safe learning environment is a right for the youth of Lebanon. Currently, a private school in France is holding a fundraiser to help Beb w Shebbek rebuild the auditorium of Beirut Annunciation Orthodox College – a multifunctional space that holds a special place in every
student’s journey through KG1 to Grade 12.

Hotline: +961 70 803 090
Beit El Baraka Beit El Baraka - $1,420,000

over 3 years ago
NGO name and registration number: Beit El Baraka [2277/2019]

Total amount allocated from Impact Lebanon (according to existing MOUs): USD 1,420,000

Total amount disbursed from allocated to date: USD 1,120,000 (~79%)

Total amount spent from allocated to date: USD 855,382 (~60%)

Status: Ongoing

Vertical(s) of operation: Residential rehabilitation | MSMB support

About the NGO
Beit el Baraka is a Lebanon-based charity with a US branch and 501(c)3 status. Their initial activities consisted of a support program that assists Lebanese retirees and children living in strong financial distress. With a mission of ensuring respect,
support and dignity, Beit el Baraka grants its target beneficiaries access to 4 services: healthy food, decent livelihood, medical services and education.

Project(s) funded
Impact Lebanon funded Beit el Baraka’s Shelter Rehabilitation Project which has the mission to help the families and individuals whose houses and small businesses have been affected by the August 4 explosion. The project’s target is to repair and rehabilitate 3011 units to ensure victims of the explosion can recover their quality of life. The project is currently ongoing and is expected to be completed by September 2021.

• Number of people benefitting from assistance: 1913 (to date), 3600 (projected)
• Number of residential units rehabilitated: 666 completed with an additional 230 in progress (to date), 950 (projected)
• Number of commercial units rehabilitated: 116 completed with an additional 6 in progress (to date), 150 (projected)

Future plans

Beit el Baraka has already identified 11,955 students whose parents are not able to cover their tuition fees in addition to 50,000 others who have been removed from private schools. The Education sector is another victim of Lebanon’s economic downfall and Beirut’s August blast. This sector needs to be salvaged before the country suffers irreversible repercussions.

Beit el Baraka is also proceeding with revamping the Jesuites Garden in Rmeil to offer the residents in the surrounding a better quality of life.

To contribute to Beit El Baraka’s ongoing activities, consider donating here:

Maya Ibrahimchah:
Elias Khalil:
Fanny Heneine:
Catalytic Action (in partnership with Nusaned) Catalytic Action (in partnership with Nusaned) - $47,221

over 3 years ago
NGO name and registration number: Catalytic Action in partnership with Nusaned [1587/2020]

Total amount allocated from Impact Lebanon (according to existing MOUs): USD 47,221

Total amount disbursed from allocated to date: USD 47,221 (100%)

Total amount spent from allocated to date: USD 22,918 (~50%)

Status: Ongoing

Vertical(s) of operation: Mental Health and Community support

About the NGO
Catalytic Action is a charity, registered in England and Wales in October 2016, that works to empower vulnerable children and their communities through participatory built interventions. They champion the co-production of dignified built environments where everyone can take part in the creation of equitable, inclusive and sustainable communities. Through this process
of co-design, Catalytic Action builds local human capacity that ensures their work has a lasting impact.

Project(s) funded
Impact Lebanon helped fund Catalytic Action’s “Kan ya Makan” project aiming at co-creating children’s environments through narratives in the Karantina neighborhood of Beirut. The project addresses the needs of young residents in the Karantina neighborhood, as a response to the devastating Beirut port explosion. The project rehabilitated the Karantina public park which was impacted by the blast, in order to welcome the children and their families safely. The project also aimed at providing children with a much needed safe place; a place they are familiar with within their neighborhood and towards which they feel a sense of ownership. Using a participatory approach, Catalytic Action engages the children, adolescents and caregivers in the recovery of Beirut. The project activities started in December 2020 and are projected to end beginning August 2021.

• Number of people benefitting from assistance: 222 children, projected is all Karantina’s residents when the park opens to the public
• Number of caregivers participating in each activity, their profile: 75 caregivers
• Number of children using the playground pre- and post-intervention : more than 200 children have used the playground
• Measuring participants’ wellbeing through qualitative research: 23 children that we are working closely with

Future plans

Catalytic Actions is planning to showcase the impact of the projects implemented to private donors and to NGOs to fundraise for the charity to be able to continue our work in generating positive impact in children’s lives.

Embrace Embrace - $182,415

over 3 years ago
NGO name and registration number: Embrace [12414/2017]

Total amount allocated from Impact Lebanon (according to existing MOUs): USD 182,415

Total amount disbursed from allocated to date: USD 182,415 (100%)

Total amount spent from allocated to date: USD 102,216 (56%)

Status: Ongoing

Vertical(s) of operation: Mental Health and Community support

About the NGO
Embrace is a local non-profit organization working towards mental health awareness and suicide prevention in Lebanon. Established in 2013, Embrace started out working on national mental health campaigns and patient funds in affiliation with the American University of Beirut’s department of psychiatry. In 2017, Embrace branched out as an independent non-governmental organization with the mission to ensure people with mental illnesses are respected, empowered and able to access appropriate care without the constraints of lack of knowledge, shame or limited resources. It strives to achieve this mission by focusing on positive representation, supportive community programs, alliances with policymakers and financial assistance. One of Embrace’s biggest project to date is the Embrace Lifeline, the first national emotional support and suicide prevention helpline in Lebanon launched in collaboration with the National Mental Health Program under the Ministry of Public Health. The National Lifeline offers suicide risk assessment, de-escalation, collaborative problem solving and referral to community resources as needed. Since launching, the National Lifeline has helped over 10,000 individuals
with zero lives lost over the phone to date.

Project(s) funded
Impact Lebanon helped fund the operations of the Embrace Lifeline 24/7, which aims to provide on the ground psychological first aid and set up a walk-in mental health clinic. The purpose of the project is to:

• Sustain the operations of the Embrace Lifeline while it extends its hours of availability to further support individuals throughout increasingly challenging times.
• Support the Embrace volunteers responding in the field by offering psychological first aid post blast.
• Launch the Embrace Community Mental Health Center (CMHC) which will host the clinic and training program to offer community members mental health consultations and graduate students a training site for their clinical hours.

The project kicked off September 14, 2020 and will be extended until March 30, 2022 given the critical condition Lebanon if going through.

Key milestones achieved so far include: increasing the Lifeline’s capacity and extending availability during the day, launching CMHC, setting up a referral pathway for ground support and recruitment/training of required clinical staff to meet increased demand.

• Number of individuals supported via the National Lifeline: 6,125 individuals (to date), 5,400 (initial target)
• Percentage of National Lifeline calls with decreased distress: 93% (to date) on average, 80% (initial target)
• Lifeline inclusiveness of non- Lebanese nationalities: 13% (to date) on average, 10% (initial target)
• Number of total individual consultations: 2,686 (to date), 1,680 (initial target)
• Percentage of low- income individuals benefiting from clinical services: 56% (to date) on average, 70% (initial target)

Future plans

Embrace’s future plans include:
• Supporting the expansion of the clinic to accommodate more students and subsequently more beneficiaires
• Creating a Mobile Crisis Team to respond in the field to emergency mental health crises and suicide attempts

Creating a Mental Health Mobile Unit to extend the impact and reach Embrace has in terms of awareness and mental health consultations to remote areas- the clinic will be based within a van decreasing the mobility restrictions an individual may face

To support Embrace’s future plans, consider donating here:

House of Christmas House of Christmas - $539,200

over 3 years ago
NGO name and registration number: The House of Christmas [902/2021]

Total amount allocated from Impact Lebanon (according to existing MOUs): USD 539,200

Total amount disbursed from allocated to date: USD 499,200 (93%)

Total amount spent from allocated to date: USD 323,375 (60%)

Status: Ongoing

Vertical(s) of operation: Heritage rehabilitation | Residential rehabilitation | MSMB support

About the NGO
The House of Christmas (“HOC”) is an organization set up in 2017 with the aim of reaching out to families in need across Lebanon to help them regain their dignity and achieve sustainability by providing them with targeted support to stabilize and strengthen their livelihoods.

After the August 4 blast, HOC extended its scope to (1) help preserve heritage buildings and their residents in Mar Mkhayel and Gemmayze; and (2) provide strategic support including rehabilitation and capacity building to micro and small businesses in the areas of Gemmayze, Mar Mkhayel and Bourj Hammoud.

Project(s) funded
Impact Lebanon is funding several rehabilitation projects conducted by HOC which include:

• Full rehabilitation of the Tamish building
The Tamish building is a heavily damaged 1920s heritage building on Armenia street in Mar Mkhayel housing 8 families, 6 small businesses and 50 direct beneficiaries.

The project kicked off September 10 2020 and was completed on February 25, 2021.

Key milestones include reconstructing the collapsed pitched roof before the first rainfall; restoring all external openings including windows and doors; façade rehabilitation and M&E work for apartments and common areas.

• Full rehabilitation of the Rif building

The Rif building is a heavily damaged 1900s heritage building on rue Pasteur in Gemmayze housing 9 families, 5 small businesses and 30 direct beneficiaries.

The project kicked off November 28 2020 and is projected to end on July 19 2021.

Key milestones include rebuilding collapsed structural walls, roof rehabilitation and waterproofing, façade rehabilitation, M&E
work for apartments and common areas, restoration and installation of all internal and external openings including windows
and external doors.

• Restoration and preservation of the Gholam Cluster

The Gholam cluster consists of 4 heavily damaged heritage plots on rue Gouraud in Gemmayze housing 7 families, 7 businesses
and 43 direct beneficiaries.

The project kicked off April 30 2021 and is projected to end on August 30 2021.

Key milestones include propping up and preserving plot 734; cleaning stone walls of commercial units in plot 726; rebuilding of collapsed roof of plot 727; and reconstructing wooden structure for pitched roof of plot 723. All remaining rehabilitation works are ongoing.

• Rehabilitation of the St Nicholas Stairs area in Gemmayze (currently under study)

The area includes 6 key heritage buildings on the stairs and on the adjacent rue Gouraud sustaining 150 direct beneficiaries including
residents and businesses.

The project is expected to kick off September 1 2021 and be completed by August 30 2022.

Number of buildings rehabilitated: 1 completed and 1 in progress (to date), 10 (projected)
Number of beneficiaries impacted: 123 (to date), 150 (projected)
Number of businesses supported: 17 (to date), 30 (projected) % units of rehabilitated building in use: 100% (Tamish building)

Future plans

HOC’s plans for the next five years is to continue restoring Lebanon’s heritage and cultural identity and safeguarding vulnerable tenants by rehabilitating heritage buildings and clusters in hard hit areas across the capital. They also plan on securing funding for the St Nicholas/ Gemmayze cluster and identifying more clusters in the damaged areas. Fundraising efforts include reaching out to current donors and targeting new private and institutional donors interested in supporting our heritage and preserving the social fabric of Beirut. HoC also have a fundraising campaign launched called Together LiBeirut which is a global sports challenge held on June 11-13 2021 and which attracted 230 challenges globally to support Beirut.

Nusaned Nusaned - $1,550,000

over 3 years ago
NGO name and registration number: Nusaned [1587/2020]

Total amount allocated from Impact Lebanon (according to existing MOUs): USD 1,550,000

Total amount disbursed from allocated to date: USD 1,512,500 (~98%)

Total amount spent from allocated to date: USD 1,364,417 (~88%)

Status: Ongoing

Vertical(s) of operation: Residential rehabilitation | MSMB support | Heritage rehabilitation

About the NGO
Nusaned is a humanitarian, community-based volunteer organization founded in December 2019. Nusaned believes that the power to create change comes from working collaboratively. Nusaned does not engage in any political activity, and remains at equal distance from all religions. They support communities based on a non-biased, egalitarian and value-based needs assessment process.

Project(s) funded
Impact Lebanon funded Nusaned’s efforts to rehabilitate residential, commercial and heritage units damaged by the Beirut Blast since
October 1st 2020. The project is expected to wrap in July 2021.

Nusaned is one of the few NGOs with previous experience in rehabilitation. Through their “Roofs That Shield” program, which launched in December 2019, they built a track record of rehabilitating 1,000 houses in marginalized areas all over Lebanon (prior to the Beirut Blast. Their past experience with residential rehabilitation helped them deploy one of the largest rehabilitation operations on the ground focusing on affected units with light, medium and heavy damages.

• Number of residential units rehabilitated: 687 completed with an additional 30 in progress (to date)
• Average duration to rehabilitate a residential unit: 26 days
• Average cost to rehabilitate a residential unit with medium damages: USD 3,716
• Average cost to rehabilitate a residential unit with heavy damages: USD 15,559
• Number of commercial units rehabilitated: 105 completed with an additional 2 in progress (to date)
• Average number of workers per unit: 5

Future plans

Nusaned is continuously in the process of raising funds towards their ongoing programs:
Crops that Yield, Roofs that Shield, and Goods in Need. They have a fundraising campaign at the following address:

MEAL and Partnerships Officer email:
Rise Up Lebanon Rise Up Lebanon - $320,000

over 3 years ago
NGO name and registration number: Rise Up Lebanon in partnership with Min Abi [1169/2014]

Total amount allocated from Impact Lebanon (according to existing MOUs): USD 320,000

Total amount disbursed from allocated to date: USD 309,500 (~97%)

Total amount spent from allocated to date: USD 238,130 (~74%)

Status: Ongoing

Vertical(s) of operation: MSMB support

About the NGO
Rise Up Lebanon is a grassroots initiative that was spontaneously launched after the blast to support the main pillar of the economic cycle in the affected neighborhoods of Beirut: micro, small and medium businesses. It is monitored and supervised by Min Albi, a local NGO with 6 years of experience.

Project(s) funded
Impact Lebanon funded Rise Up Lebanon’s efforts to support local businesses affected by the explosion. The project aims at rehabilitating the shops affected by the Blast through implementing a needs assessment plan, filling BOQs, bidding with suppliers, and following up on the work until the shops are operational again. The project kicked off in November 2020 and is projected
to wrap up by the end of July 2021. Key milestones achieved to date include initial and technical assessments of affected businesses, completion of rehabilitation work and post-rehabilitation assessment to confirm businesses are operational again.

• Number of shops assessed and mapped: 131 (to date), 140 (projected)
• Number of shops selected for assistance: 113 (to date), 115 (projected)
• Number of shops rehabilitated: 106 (to date), 115 (projected)
• Number beneficiaries dependent on business income helped: 617 (to date)

Future plans

Rise Up Lebanon will continue its mission to enhance the sustainability of local businesses. This will be achieved through undertaking projects that address MSMB capacity building, equipment and inventory supply, increasing the market reach, and export. They will seek funding through donating entities, private donors, and specific-project donations/crowd-funding.


Rotary Club de Beyrouth Rotary Club de Beyrouth - $1,089,350

over 3 years ago
NGO name and registration number: Rotary Club de Beyrouth [996/2012]]

Total amount allocated from Impact Lebanon (according to existing MOUs): USD 1,089,350

Total amount disbursed from allocated to date: USD 751,995 (~69%)

Total amount spent from allocated to date: USD 425,801 (~39%)

Status: Ongoing

Vertical(s) of operation: Hospital and Medical Bodies Support

About the NGO
The Rotary Club de Beyrouth (RCB) whose slogan is “Service above self” was created in 1931, and is a local chapter of the Rotary International club established in 1905. RCB is registered in Lebanon as a local NGO, which has the ambition of initiating and leading impactful projects at a national level through leveraging the skills of its members. RCB also promotes impactful initiatives in service of the collective good.

Project(s) funded
Impact Lebanon funded the following projects led by RCB:
• Karantina Hospital : Purchase and provision of equipment for the Obstetric Ward
• The pediatric hospital in Karantina (managed by Assameh Birth and Beyond - a charity association taking care of mothers and children inside the hospital, the only Neonatal clinic for babies with disabilities in Beirut), was completely damaged due to the August 4th explosion. RCB decided to concentrate its efforts to replace and provide needed equipment to ensure the continuation of the hospital’s pediatric and obstetrics services, which care for around 1000 patients yearly, including children from different nationalities and underprivileged backgrounds. The hospital’s pediatric and obstetrics services is also responsible for saving the lives of hundreds, particularly those affected by extremely rare diseases (such as: Meningoencephalitis, severe anemia due to deficiency in G6PD), which
is why it is critical to get the department operational again.
• The project kicked off in November 2020 and is projected to wrap up by December 2021
• The expected budget for equipment purchasing for Karantina is USD 777,200*.

• Rosary Hospital: Purchase and provision of equipment
• As a non-profit hospital of the Catholic Order “Rosary Sisters Congregation” and due to the severe damages inflicted by the Beirut Blast, RCB aimed to help Rosary Hospital recover from the explosion. The equipment that is donated to Rosary Hospital will serve the following specialities: Maternity and Obstetric/Gynecology, Endoscopy, Surgical operations, and general diagnostics . The hospital serves
around 20,000 Lebanese and foreign patients annually in the Beirut region. The hospital’s total capacity is around 200 beds.
• The project kicked off in December 2020 and is projected to wrap up by December 2021
• The expected budget for equipment purchasing for Rosary Hospital is USD 312,150

In both projects, RCB works in collaboration with the respective hospital departments to understand their requirements. Where possible, Impact Lebanon (through LIFE) paid directly suppliers selected through the procurement process to minimize FX and banking fees.

Number of equipment purchased for Karantina hospital: 86 (order confirmed), 1 (order in
Number of equipment purchased for Rosaire hospital: 90 (order confirmed)

Future plans

The country is presently hit by several crises: Urgent needs are surfacing in most sectors, namely: Education, Health, social development and Environment. Some projects are being assessed and others are ready to be financed. RCB identified the following needs to address:
1. Provide a dialysis service at Karantina hospital due to very high demand.
2. Further equipping Rosaire hospital, including its Covid-19 ward
3. Provide the children and young adults of SESOBEL (association caring for p children and young adults with disabilities) with laptops and computers in order to learn online. RCB is more than ever motivated to move forward and assist projects that leave a real impact in the community and help people in this crisis.


Lebanon Needs (in partnership with House of Christmas) Lebanon Needs (in partnership with House of Christmas) - $400,000

over 3 years ago
NGO name and registration number: Lebanon Needs [6662/2021]

Total amount allocated from Impact Lebanon (according to existing MOUs): USD 400,000

Total amount disbursed from allocated to date: USD 400,000 (100%)

Total amount spent from allocated to date: USD 371,085 (~93%)

Status: Ongoing

Vertical(s) of operation: Hospitals and medical bodies support

About the NGO
Lebanon Needs is an apolitical and non-sectarian nonprofit organization founded in 2019 to deliver sustainable healthcare solutions for underprivileged patients and underserved healthcare institutions in Lebanon. Lebanon Needs follows a holistic healthcare approach that tackles the social determinants of health in coordination with like-minded partners.

Project(s) funded
Impact Lebanon funded Lebanon Needs’ rehabilitationefforts in three hospitals in Beirut affected by the blast
• Karantina Hospital: focused on the most pressing needs of the hospital which had been heavily impacted by the blast. Key activities include fixing the electrical infrastructure; replacing temporary boards by permanent aluminum/glass doors and windows; completely rehabilitating the laboratory building; the addition of a staff kitchen and renovating and expanding the cafeteria area. This was a welcome addition, as it made healthy low- cost meals available for staff and patients when no alternatives were available in the area. The project started on August 8 and was completed on October 26 2020.

• Geitaoui Hospital: also focused on the hospital’s most pressing needs. Key activities include securing the outer envelope (doors and windows), repairing the fire alarm foam tank and detectors, as well rehabilitating the dormitory building. The project started on September 15 and was completed on December 14 2020.

• Rosary Hospital: the focus of the project is to rehabilitate a damaged elevator and enlarge its shaft, as well as execute a full repurposing
of the damaged 4th floor into a specialized floor to cater for Covid-19 patients today and infectious disease patients in the future. The isolation ward on the 4th floor will house medical imaging and radiology services, operating theatre and nurses station, among other essential services. The project started on April 21 2021 and is expected to end in September.

• Completed an elevator shaft expansion to fit a 2.7mx1.7m size elevator that could transport a patient bed

• Completed a specialized service floor to an isolation unit

• Execute a complete fit-out for a room to receive a CT scan unit
• Execute a complete fit-out for a room to receive an X-ray unit
• Execute a complete fit-out for a room to receive an Ultrasound unit
• Repurpose the space to include 3 storage rooms for sterile and clean goods and one decontamination room with a total capacity of 31 sqm
• Complete the set-up for a nursing room and lockers
• Complete the civil and MEP set-up for an Operating Room to receive all the needed equipment to be operational
• Complete the civil and MEP set-up for an Operating Endoscopy Room to receive all the needed equipment to be operational

Future plans

Lebanon Needs are currently working on a holistic community health project which includes:

• Supporting peripheral hospitals to help them with repairs
• Supporting communities in villages with Task Forces trained and monitored by Lebanon Needs to recruit, refer, implement and
follow up with underprivileged populations on health recommendations.
• Creating holistic programs including health and social services by partnering with likeminded NGOs and initiatives
• Supporting underprivileged individuals with chronic medications and differential payment of in-patient treatment/ hospitalization (starting with Karantina hospital, and developing program in 3 other hospitals in Akkar, Bekaa and South)

To contribute to Lebanon Needs’ future projects, please consider donating here:

Lebanese Red Cross Lebanese Red Cross - $130,000

over 4 years ago
Proof of receipt from the Lebanese Red Cross for the amount of $128,827.72. Dated Sept 4, 2020.

over 4 years ago
The Lebanese Red Cross (LRC) is a national society that was established on July 9, 1945 as an independent National Society. In 1946, it was recognized by the State as a public nonprofit organization and as an auxiliary team to the medical personnel of the Lebanese Army.

In 1947, the Lebanese Red Cross joined the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, which today has affiliates in 191 countries, and became a member of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Furthermore, it is a founding member of the Secretariat General of the Organization of the Arab Red Crescent and Red Cross Societies.

The Lebanese Red Cross Society is led by volunteers, whose mission is to provide relief to victims of natural and human disasters, and help people prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies, and to mitigate the suffering of the most vulnerable.
Live Love Lebanon Live Love Lebanon - $400,000

over 3 years ago
NGO name and registration number: Live Love Lebanon [1310/2013]

Total amount allocated from Impact Lebanon (according to existing MOUs): USD 400,000

Total amount disbursed from allocated to date: USD 175,000 (44%)

Total amount spent from allocated to date: USD 113,065 (28%)

Status: Ongoing

Vertical(s) of operation: Residential rehabilitation | Heritage rehabilitation

About the NGO
Live Love Lebanon is a nonprofit organization aiming to build empowered communities that create hope and positive impact for nature, society and culture in Lebanon and globally. Live Love’s on-ground projects and online campaigns raise awareness, empower vulnerable populations, inspire action, provide humanitarian assistance and engage citizens.

Since the explosion, Live Love’s top priority has been to rebuild Beirut and return families safely to their homes. They developed a disaster management and response plan, bringing about the Beirut Relief Coalition (BRC), and focusing their efforts towards coordination and disaster management.

They worked on streamlining rebuilding and rehabilitation efforts, and minimizing duplication, while also helping link victims with resources and organizations that can meet their needs.

Project(s) funded
Impact Lebanon helped fund Live Love’s rehabilitation efforts which include:

• Rehabilitation of 15 units and 1 building common area in different blast affected neighborhoods.
• The selected units were heavily damaged by the blast and some were completely destroyed.
• Projected number of beneficiaries impacted: 38 of which 60% are unemployed or partially employed.

• Full rehabilitation of 10 buildings in the Rmeil Cluster
• The Rmeil cluster had been neglected long before the Beirut August 4th blast. The area’s challenging access, and its proximity to a cancelled infrastructure project makes it a less privileged, left aside part of the neighbourhood. The cluster took a huge hit from the blast. The buildings in its vicinity were heavily damaged, some have even suffered on the structural level. One building completely collapsed and 3 people unfortunately died. 6 months after the blast, this area was still completely damaged leaving more than 25 families displaced.

• The project was launched in February 2021 and is projected to be completed by December 2021.

Key milestones include: Full assessment and coring tests performed on all buildings; Preparation of permit drawing files that were presented to the DGA and the Beirut Governor; Incorporation of latest engineering technology in heritage building reinforcement to strengthen the buildings in the cluster and make them resilient against future natural or man made disasters; Community participation approach all throughout the project timeline; Mobilization of complementary initiatives and collaborations with different NGOs like UN-Habitat, Light for Lebanon (installation of 15 solar street lights around the cluster), and others (ex. Installation of 2 handwashing stations for Covid 19 prevention)

• Number of residential units rehabilitated: 7 (to date), 11 (projected)
• Number of heritage units rehabilitated: 24 (projected)
• Number of common areas rehabilitated: 1 (to date), 1 (projected)
• Number of people benefitting from rehabilitation projects: 25 (to date), 105 (projected)

Future plans

Live Love has an ongoing crowdfunding campaign to elicit recurring monthly donations to support their relief efforts. In parallel they
continue to apply for grants that are aligned to their mission, vision and values. To support their ‘Rebuild Beirut’ campaign, consider donating here:

Website: |